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5 Things you need for 'Tubin' the Guadalupe

Camp Milagro

Updated: May 19, 2021

1) Water-shoes: The great thing about The Guadalupe River is the rock botton which makes the clear running water so wonderful. That being said, water-shoes are a MUST! Flip-flops will slip and slide and not very stable. Even if sitting in the water, you will want to be secure getting up and down. They can be cheaply at most stores but it is recommended you get these prior to getting into town since they may be more expensive and harder to locate.

2) Sun Blockers: Sunscreen, *applied regularly. Add to this, hat, cheap sunglasses t-shirt. The sun off the river and tubes is HOT! Very important to cover up.

3) Ice Chest and drinks: Get a medium sized ice chest and add your favorite drink - ESPECIALLY PLENTY OF WATER and fill it up with ice! Most places will allow tubes to be tied down if renting tubes. IMPORTANT NOTE: NO STYROFOAM, NO GLASS, NO 2oz 'SHOT' CONTAINERS ALLOWED IN THE RIVER - HEAVY FINES

4) WATER, WATER, WATER: in case you didn't get it above, it is important to stay hydrated - dehydration and alcohol poisoning is the #1 ER visit in New Braunfels.

5) Waterproof phone case holder: If you dare, take your phone and a speaker. Be sure your phone is in waterproof container and tied securely to something that floats! Having your favorite tunes while tubin' is a great bonus.

Side note: plan in advance! It is recommended to use an Outfitter aka/Tube Company to rent floats and take you up river. Without an Outfitter, you will need a minimum of 2 vehicles: one at the drop off point and one at the pickup point and these points are limited since 100% of river frontage is private property. Most places charge to 'put in' AND 'get out' at their place, thus it's not much more money to use an Outfitter and have a solid game plan.



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